Upcoming courses in 2021/2022:
4-day Course (for care-giving professionals) “Communication and care-giving in dementia: a positive vision” Dates: Part 1 on Tuesday January 18th and Wednesday 19th, 2022 Part 2 on Monday February 14th and Tuesday 15th, 2022 Location: Kingsclear Nursing Home, Camberley Timings: 9am sign-in; 9:30am start; 4:30pm finish To register, please contact Maureen Hume: Camberley Alzheimer Cafe Chairperson Email: maureenhume01@gmail.com Phone: 01276 675 266 ——————————————————————— 1-day course (for anyone interested in dementia) ‘Lighting DARC’ (Dementia Awareness Reaching Communities) This 1-day course will be offered on three occasions (listed below). To register, please contact Maureen Hume: Camberley Alzheimer Cafe Chairperson Email: maureenhume01@gmail.com Phone: 01276 675 266 . Monday March 7th, 2022 . St.Peter’s Church Hall, 60 Church Rd., Farnborough, GU14 7AP . Timings: 9:30am sign-in; 10am start; 4pm finish . Monday March 14th, 2022 . St.Martin’s OldDean Church Hall, UpperCollege Ride, Camberley, GU15 4HE . Timings: 9:30am sign-in; 10am start; 4pm finish . Saturday March 19th, 2022 . Camberley Manor, 130 Deepcut Bridge Rd., Camberley, GU16 6SD . Timings: 9:30am sign-in; 10am start; 4pm finish ——————————————————————— |
Course Descriptions
For a brief overview of course content, please click on the titles below
“Communication and care-giving in dementia: a positive vision”
– 4-day course
‘Lighting DARC’ (Dementia Awareness Reaching Communities)
– 1-day course
“How to host an Alzheimer Cafe: for co-ordinators and interviewers”
“Educating the Educators: training for using the DVD version of the pre-requisite course”
– 2-day course
Previous courses and their commissioners
Our dementia related courses have been taught to over 5000 people.
Course commissioners have included:
National Alzheimer’s Society (England, Wales, N Ireland)
Alzheimer’s Society (N Ireland)
Alzheimer Society Branch groups
Alzheimer Concern Ealing
Social Services (London area, Berkshire, Surrey, Derbyshire)
‘For Dementia’ training, UK
Residential and Nursing Homes
Hospitals (local and district)
Specialist Care Homes and settingsfor elderly people with learning disabilities
for clergy and religious
Rudolph Steiner Hospital, the Hague
Housing and Care Home Charities
University of Utrecht, Post-graduate Nursing Programme
Aorta Health Care consultants, the Netherlands
Previous events by invitation:
“Alzheimer Café UK Networking Day: 2016”
for those hosting and starting Alzheimer Café
– see the pics!
“Alzheimer Café UK Networking Day: 2014”
for those hosting and starting Alzheimer Cafés
Guests: Dr. Bère Miesen, Prof.Viv Bennett, Sinead Grennan, Maggie Bennett
Read the TAD Newsletter on the 2014 AC Networking day
Date: 11 June, 2014
“10 anniversary Alzheimer Café UK conference”
Guests: Dr. Bère Miesen, Drs. Marco Blom (Director- Alzheimer Nederland)
Date: May 14th, 2010