
About The Wide Spectrum Mnemonic:
 What Does it stand for?

It was developed to give a capsule overview of the content of the ‘Communication and caregiving in dementia: a positive vision’ course.

It is one way of describing the elements that an optimal vision for good, sustainable dementia care needs to encompass.

Curriculum vitae: Gemma MM Jones (neé: van Amelsvoort)

HBSc Biology: honours year cell biology, secondary concentration in gerontology, UWO, London, Canada

BSN Nursing: UBC, Vancouver, Canada

PhD Psychology: Neuropsychopharmacology of Alzheimer’s Disease, University of London, Institute of Psychiatry

educator about dementia and dementia careconsults about the design of care environments for persons with dementia

Specific interests include:
– identifying a knowledge base to support the professionalization of dementia care
– understanding how sensory (especially visuo-perceptual deficits) can affect the behaviour of people with dementing illnesses
– finding the best ways to teach and provide accurate, useful information about dementing illnesses

has taught extensively in the UK, the Netherlands, and Canada in the past 30 years

over 40 publications related to dementiaco-edited with Dr. Bère Miesen, volumes 1 to 4 of Care-giving in Dementia (Routledge Pubs., 1992-2006)translator of ‘Dementia in Close-up’ by Bère Miesen. Routledge, 1999.producing educational DVDs and teaching materials about dementia careco-founder of the UK ’s first Alzheimer Café (2000) in Farnboroughchair of the Alzheimer Café UK Charity

workgroup member for the Nuffield Council on Bioethics (2007-2009) Oct. 1, 2009 Report published: ‘Dementia: ethical issues’  


Books and Course Syllabi:
Jones, GMM (2012) The TAD newsletters (thoughts about dementia). Vol. 1 the first fifty. The Wide Spectrum Publications, Sunninghill, UK, SL5 7BH, 269 pages (for details of contents, see listing further down this page)
Jones, GMM (2010) The Alzheimer Café: why it works. The Wide Spectrum Publications, Sunninghill, UK, SL5 7BH (pp 212) (presented May 14th, 2010 at the first national Alzheimer Café UK, Conference)
Jones, GMM, 2009, Communication and Care-giving in dementia: a positive vision. Course notes book. The Wide Spectrum Publications, Sunninghill, UK. SL5 7BH, 229 pages.


Edited Books
Miesen, BML, and GMM Jones (Eds), 2006. Vol. 4 Care-giving in Dementia. Routledge, London (pp 436)
Jones, GMM, and BMLMiesen (Eds), 2004: Vol 3 Care-giving in Dementia. Brunner-Routledge, Hove (pp 437)
Miesen, BML and GMM Jones (Eds), 1997. Vol. 2 Care-giving in Dementia. Routledge, London (pp 370)
Jones, GMM, and BML Miesen (Eds), 1992. Care-giving in Dementia. Routledge/Tavistock, London (pp 481)


Translated Books
Dementia in Close-up; understanding and caring for people with dementia (1999)
translated from BML Miesen’s books ‘Dement, zo gek nog Niet’ (Bohn Stafleu Van Loghum, 1997; Houten), and ‘DementieDichterbij’, (Bohn Stafleu Van Loghum, 1993, Houten), published by Routledge, London (231 pages)


Translated Documents
The 33 Quality Control criteria for the Alzheimer Cafes (‘Seizoensevaluatie met kwaliteits criteria Alzheimer Cafés Mar/06’, by Meerveld, J), published by ‘Alzheimer Nederland’, Dec. ’06) pp28.
Development of the Alzheimer Café concept, used on the English website of the Alzheimer Café. Original document entitled ‘Handleiding Alzheimer Café’ by Bère Miesen and Marco Blom, 2001, Alzheimer Nederland publication.


Jones GMM, Bennett M (2012) What’s good about care homes. ‘Health Matters‘ section of Lifestyle
Magazine. Minerva Pubs., Bath. Pg 14 (Summer)
Jones GMM (2012) Recognising Dementia (Spring) ‘Health Matters‘ section of Lifestyle Magazine.
Minerva Pubs., Bath. Pg 27 (Summer)
Jones GMM, Miesen BML (2011) Dementia care: involving people in Alzheimer Cafés. Nursing and
Residential Care 13:9; 442-445 (Sept.)
van der Eerden WJ, Jones GMM (2011) Dutch large-scale dementia-care environments: a village
within the community. J of Care Services Management. 5:3; Pp137-146
Jones, GMM and van der Eerden WJ (2010) Oct., The CARPE DEM: towards an ideal dementia care
pathway? To promote discussion in the UK
Accompanying Poster, Slide set, and 85 pages of supporting documentation. Available as free
downloads from: The Wide Spectrum website.
(Publication sponsored by Novartis UK, Pharmaceuticals, medical educational grant).
Jones GMM (2010) Advances in understanding dementia, care-giving and support. ‘Health Matters‘ section of Lifestyle Magazine. Minerva Pubs., Bath. Pg 36 Magazine July/August


Peer Reviewed Publications (on dementia and care related topics):
Jones GMM, Miesen BML (2011) Alzheimer Café – networking with care homes.
Martensson DE, McGibbon E, Miesen BML, Jones GMM (2011) The Alzheimer Café as a form of
ongoing post-diagnostic support. The Canadian Nurse, i
van der Eerden WJ, Jones GMM (2011) Dutch large-scale dementia-care environments: a village
within the community. J of Care Services Management. 5:3; Pp10
(2010) Alzheimer Society Factsheet on Hallucinations www.alzheimers.org.uk/factsheet/520
(2010) Alzheimer Society Factsheet on visuoperceptual difficulties
Jones GMM, Redwood K, Harding JW (2008) Comparing UK and Dutch Alzheimer Cafés against new
quality control criteria. J of Dementia Care. 16:1 (Jan/Feb) pp34-38.
Jones GMM, van der Eerden WJ (2008) Designing Care environments for persons with Alzheimer’s
dementia: visuoperceptual considerations. Clinical Reviews in Gerontology. 18; 13-37
Jones GMM, van der Eerden-Rebel W, Harding J (2006) Visuoperceptual-cognitive deficits in
Alzheimer’s disease: adapting a dementia unit. In: vol 4 Care-giving in Dementia (BML Miesen &
GMM Jones (Eds). Routledge, London. Pp 3-58
Jones GMM, Harding J, van der Eerden-Rebel W (2006) Visual phenomena in Alzheimer’s disease:
distinguishing between hallucinations, illusions, misperceptions and misidentifications. In: vol 4
Care-giving in Dementia (BML Miesen & GMM Jones /Eds). Routledge, London. Pp 59-104.
Jones GMM (2004) Metaphors for teaching about changing memory and cognition in Alzheimer’s
disease: Bookcases in a library. In: Vol 3 Care-giving in Dementia (GMM Jones & BML Miesen/ Eds).
Brunner-Routledge, Hove. Pp 37-66.
Jones GMM (2004) The loss of meaningful attachments in dementia and behavioural stage-specific
implications. In: Vol 3 Care-giving in Dementia (GMM Jones & BML Miesen/ Eds). Brunner-
Routledge, Hove. Pp 261-284.
Miesen BML, Jones GMM (2004) The Alzheimer Café concept: a response to the trauma, drama and
tragedy of dementia. In: Vol 3 Care-giving in Dementia (GMM Jones & BML Miesen/ Eds). Brunner-
Routledge, Hove. Pp 307-333.
Moore S, Jones GMM (2004) Book Review of: ‘The Hidden Connections: Integrating the biological,
cognitive and social dimension of life into a science of sustainability’ by Fritjof Capra. In: J of Cleaner
Production. 12:1 pp101-103
Jones GMM (2002) Zorg en zorgverleners, een kwestie van emancipatie. Leidraad Psychogeriatrie.
Bohn Stafleu van Logum, Houten, pp870-909.
Jones GMM (1997) A review of Feil’s validation method for communicating with and caring for
dementia sufferers. Current Opinion in Psychiatry/Geriatric Psychiatry. 10; 326-332.
Meisen, BML, Jones GMM (1995) Psychic pain re-surfacing in dementia: from new to past trauma?
(C. Rowlings Ed.)
Past Trauma in Late Life : European perspectives on Therapeutic work with older people. Jessica
Kingsley Pub., London. Pp142-154.
Arendt T, Jones GMM (1992) Clinicopathologic correlations and the brain behaviour relationship in
Alzheimer’s disease. in: Care-giving in Dementia (Jones and Miesen; Eds.) pp.7 26
Jones GMM (1992) A communication model for dementia. in: Care giving in Dementia (Jones and
Miesen; Eds.) pp. 77 99.
Jones GMM (1992) A nursing model for the care of the elderly. in: Care giving in Dementia (Jones
and Miesen; Eds.) pp. 100 120.
Jones GMM, Burns A, (1992) Reminiscing disorientation theory. in: Care giving in Dementia (Jones
and Miesen; Eds.) pp.57 76.
Jones GMM, Ely S, Miesen B, (1992) The need for an interdisciplinary core curriculum for
professionals working with dementia. in: Care giving in Dementia (Jones and Miesen; Eds.) pp. 437
Woods R, Portnoy S, Head D, Jones GMM (1992) Reminiscence and life review with persons with
dementia: which way forward? in: Care giving in Dementia (Jones and Miesen; Eds.) pp. 137 161
Jones GMM, Sahakian BJ, Levy R, Warburton D, Gray J (1992) Effects of acute subcutaneous nicotine
on attention, information processing and short term memory in Alzheimer’s disease.
Psychopharmacology 108;485 494.
Uney J, Jones GMM, Rebeiro M, Levy R, (1992) The effect of long-term high dose lecithin on
erythrocyte choline transport in Alzheimer’s patients. Biological Psychiatry Mar 15, 31:6;630-633.
Jones, GMM (1991) Book Review of ‘Nicotine psychopharmocology: molecular, cellular, and
behavioural aspects’. Oxford Scientific pubs. S. Warnacot, MAH Russell, & IP Stolerman, Eds., pp427;
for Int’l J. Old Age Psychiatry, spring 1991.
Sahakian B, Jones GMM, (1991) Cholinergic drugs and human cognitive performance. In: Memory:
neurochemical and abnormal perspectives (J Weinman, J Hunter; eds.) Haxwood Academic Pub.
Switzerland. pp 65 86.
Jones GMM, Levy R, Sahakian B, (1990) Nicotine and Alzheimer’s disease. (letter commentary) Br. J.
of Psychiatry, March issue.
Russell M, Jarvis M, Jones GMM, Feyerabend C (1990) Nonsmokers show acute tolerance to
subcutaneous nicotine. Psychopharmacoloy 102: 56 58.
Sahakian B, Jones GMM (1990) The effects of nicotine on attention, information processing, and
working memory in patients with dementia of the Alzheimer type. In: Advances in Pharmacological
Sciences. (F. AdLkofer) Birkhauser Verlag. Basel. pp. 623 630.
Jones GMM, Sahakian B (1989) The effects of nicotine in patients with dementia of the Alzheimer
type. In: Pharmacological Interventions on central cholinergic mechanisms in senile dementia
(Alzheimer’s Disease) (Kewitz, Thomsen, Bickel (eds.) Zuckschwerdt Verlag Munchen, Bem. pp 89 96.
Sahakian BJ, Jones GMM, Levy R, Gray J, Warburton D (1989) The effects of nicotine on attention,
information processing and short term memory in patients with dementia of the Alzheimer type. Br.
J. Psychiatry 154: 797 800.
Jones GMM (1988) Validation Therapy, een andere benadering voor de psychogeriatrische bewoner:
p. 94 100. Tijdschrift voor Verzorgenden
Jones GMM (1988) Una introducao a Terapia de Validcao para idosos desorientados, Revista
Portuguesa de Pedagogia, ano xxll pp. 367 383
Jones G.M.M, Reith M, Philpot M, Sahakian B (1987) Smoking and dementia of the Alzheimer type. J.
Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 50:1383.
Jones GMM (1987) Book review of A. Sunier’s, Body and Mind in Old Age and Decay, (1986) van
Gorcum, Assen, pp. 308. Ageing and Society pp. 119 120.
Jones DC, Amelsvoort Jones, GM. (1986). Communication patterns between nursing staff and the
ethnic elderly in a long-term care facility. J Adv. Nurs., 11, 265-272.
Milne B, van Amelsvoort Jones GMM, (1985) Enteral hyperalimentation. Gastrointestinal Assistants
Winter, Feb.
Jones DC, van Amelsvoort Jones, GMM (1985) Communication Patterns, Ethnic Elderly and Nursing
Staff in a Long Term Care Facility. In: Gerontological Nursing Update for the Distance Education
Learning Program, marketed as a professional development package via the University of Victoria,
B.C. Canada, Margaret Haughey, Co ordinator
van Amelsvoort Jones, GMM, Zeiss, E (1985). Collecting and Conducting Life Reviews. In
Gerontological Nursing Update for the Distance Education Learning Program. (as above).
van Amelsvoort Jones, GMM (1985) Validation Therapy, a Companion to Reality Orientation.
Canadian Nurse, March issue, pp. 22 26.
van Amelsvoort Jones, GMM (1984) A Celebration of Multi-cultural Heritage. Perspectives. Canada.
Vol. 8 No. 3. pp 3-7.
van Amelsvoort Jones, GMM, Zeiss, E (1984) Encouraging Reminiscing in the Institutional Setting.
Perspectives. vol. 8. No. 4. pp 6-9.
Taylor, S, van Amelsvoort Jones GMM, Zeiss E (1983) Collecting and Conducting Life Reviews.
Proceedings of the 1st annual National Conference on Gerontological Nursing, (vol. 2) Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.

FILMS/ DVDs: (available from the website: thewidespectrum.com)

GMM Jones (2009) [interviewer] Lyn and Tom discuss early onset Alzheimer’s [~ 50 mins.]

GMM Jones (2009) 14 DVD set and 212 page course notes book – “Communication and Care-giving
in Dementia: a positive vision” filmed at a four day course for 23 Family Carer’s:
– Course Notes Book (229 pages; wiro-bound, all pages photocopy-able for teaching purposes)
– DVDs (set of 14, average duration ~42 minutes each)
. Introductory DVD What course participants say about this course
. Topic 1 Memory and attention: bookcase model of memory
. Topic 2 The aging senses: Part A (vision and hearing)
. Topic 3 The aging senses: Part B (touch and pain, smell, taste, kinethesis)
. Topic 4 What is and isn’t dementia
. Topic 5 The Behavioural Staging of dementia: Part A
. Topic 6 The Behavioural Staging of dementia: Part B
. Topic 7 When dementia isn’t recognized: Case study of letters to the Chef
. Topic 8 Language changes in dementia
. Topic 9 Visuoperceptual changes in dementia
. Topic 10 Activities and pastimes
. Topic 11 Questions and visiting strategies
. Topic 12 What is known about family carers
. Topic 13 Grieving and guilt
. Topic 14 Communication options